Progress on the Museum entrance way: cover plants

After laying in rock and grading the slope just-so, the stream bank crew put down netting to reduce erosion, and it was seeded with a one-year “cover crop”. We’ll replant perennials and more next spring.

Erosion netting in place, October 7, 2105
Erosion netting in place, September 26

The cover crop sprouted quite quickly, which encouraged and delighted us.

Can you see the little sprouts? Click to zoom in, perhaps.
Can you see the little sprouts? This is about October 8. Click to zoom in, perhaps.

Yesterday’s and this morning’s light snow doesn’t seem to have bothered the little plants at all!

Protecting the stream bank with netting and plants.   Protecting the stream bank with netting and plants.

Protecting the stream bank with netting and plants, October 18. Click to see these larger (it’s worth it!)

This work is being funded by donors like you, the Vermont Department of Transportation though a Vermont Better Back Roads grant, and the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Ecosystems Restoration Program.  These are both matching grants so we still need your help to fully fund these grants.  Donate to help! We happily accept donations online through JustGive, NetworkForGood, and PayPal. You can also call (802) 434-2167 with your credit card info, or send a check in any amount at any time to

Birds of Vermont Museum
900 Sherman Hollow Road
Huntington, Vermont 05462

Thank you to Grover Engineering, the State of Vermont (VTRANS and DEC), and John Scott Excavating. Let us thank you!

Bridges to Birds: where we’ve been

How it All Began in July 2013: Flash flooding at the Museum
Plus photos.
Last Year’s Update: Bridges to Birds: Connecting to People
And the Treehouse phase: A New Point of View (from our Treehouse)
A booklet about it: Bridges to Birds (1Mb PDF)
How We Thank You: Recognition, Gifts, and Adventure
All four phases, outlined: A Four-fold Project

And the collected posts (tagged “Bridges to Birds”)


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