Results for Race Around Birds 2023

Congratulations to the walkers, runners, supporters, and volunteers of the 2023 Race Around Birds!

Three runners coming uphill toward the viewer. They are on a gravel trail rising from a creek, with evergreens and other trees behind them and to their left and right. Other tall, autumn-dried plants are on the sides of the trails.We continued our tradition of offering both “virtual (self-timed)” racing option and “in-person race day” option. People could run or walk, as they chose. We are pretty impressed!

Like last year, we had 31 people register, 10 of whom chose the “self-timed” option (not all of them submitted their times to us; that’s fine too). Two people ran both self-timed and on race day; 4 people registered for race day but did not run that day (they may have run earlier?).

We did combine the results in the table below. The official results are those from Race Day, November 4th (R). Italics denote self-timed runners (V). Continue reading “Results for Race Around Birds 2023”

October events

White-breasted Nuthatch © copyright Zac Cota-Weaver and used by permission.

person lacing up sneakers on the spear trailSo what’s coming up in the last month of our “open” season? Exercise your sense of art, your legs, your mind with our Spark! show. birds identification opportunities, and our annual race!

We’re open Wednesday – Sunday, 10-4, until Halloween. We’re open by appointment other days and after. The trails are open sunrise to sunset, every day. Libraries have passes, and admission is always free for members (


Continue reading “October events”

September events

Unidentified hawk overhead against a brilliantly blue sky. Photo copyright Erin Talmage and used by permission.

Head and neck of Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura), a wood carving by Bob Spear (rest of body not visible in photo)The school year has started, but that isn’t slowing us down up on Sherman Hollow Road. Check out the fall programs at the Birds of Vermont Museum, sign up for one if you like, or just drop by. We’re open Wednesday – Sunday, 10-4, until Halloween. We’re open by appointment other days and after. The trails are open sunrise to sunset, every day. Libraries have passes, and admission is always free for members (

We look forward to seeing you!


Continue reading “September events”

Spark! fueling a love of birds | 2023 community art show

The Birds of Vermont Museum has been hosting themed community art shows since 2014. Each winter, the staff develops a bird-related theme for the exhibit and posts a Call to Artists, inviting submissions in varied media. Our 2023 art show, Spark!, brings together well over 60 artists, photographers, and poets of all ages. Most artists are from Vermont. Continue reading “Spark! fueling a love of birds | 2023 community art show”

Results for Race Around Birds 2022

Congratulations to all the walkers, runners, and supporters of the 2022 Race Around Birds.

A sign points left to Spear trail while a runner is blurred going to the right.Green foliages is behind sign and runner; wood chips and fallen leaves cover the trail in the foreground.This year again we offered both “virtual (self-timed)” racing option and “in-person race day” option. People could run or walk, as they chose.

We had 31 people register, 8 of whom chose the “self-timed” option (not all of them submitted their times to us; that’s fine too). Based on what we saw from the museum, more than 8 people ran in the two weeks open for that option.

We did combine the results in the table below. Let me just say that we staff are totally impressed with every runner and walker. All of you inspire us with your determination! Continue reading “Results for Race Around Birds 2022”

Fine Feathers, at play with structure and function | 2022 community art show

collage of polaroid photos of submissions to Fine Feathers art show

Our 2022 art show, Fine Feathers, features over 70 works, chosen from over 250 submissions from artists, photographers, and poets. Each piece is inspired by birds and their feathers. The creators are influenced by feather colors, shapes, patterns, and functions. Through illustration, painting, textile, collage, photography, sculpture, and the written word, these creative expressions are as varied as the feathered creatures they depict. Continue reading “Fine Feathers, at play with structure and function | 2022 community art show”

Open for summer hours, 2022

Young children peer through the glass of a double entrance door.

We are open again for drop-in visiting on May 1!

As we did last year, the Museum building will be open Wednesday through Sunday. Our hours are 10am – 4pm. Because COVID continues to circulate in Vermont, we ask that you wear a mask while indoors.

What’s happening this spring-summer-fall? We’re presenting almost all Vermont birds as wood carvings, sharing an art show called “Fine Feathers: at play with structure and function”, hosting a 3-day woodcarving class for the Green Mountain Woodcovers, offering bird walks, and so much more.

Of course, our trails, treehouse, and pollinator sanctuaries are open! Bring a picnic (and good shoes and bug repellent) and spend time seeking to spot newts at the pond or listening for a  wren from the treehouse. Trails are open sun-up to sundown.

Need directions? Want to schedule a school or camp field trip? Attend a bird walkWe look forward to seeing you!