Dead Creek Wildlife Day 2024

Child (hands and part of torso) carving a white bar soap using a craft-stick tool.

Join us at Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s annual Dead Creek Wildlife Day — for all lovers of the outdoors. From walks and talks to bird banding and more: bring friends and family to Dead Creek Wildlife Day.

There are plenty of activities for everyone: try bird watching, bird banding or bird carving (in soap). Learn about history, turtles, dogs, and bats… There are different special activities each year!

Visit our “booth” all day — share your woodcarving, birding, or conservation stories, find a small gift, and admire people’s soap carvings.

Or learn about the Wildlife Management Area Visitor Center:

Volunteers welcome (at Dead Creek and at the Museum) — makes the day easier AND more fun. Give us a call to be part of it! (802) 434-2167

Open for 2020, finally

A note from our Director

child gazes into forest over railing of our walk-in treehouseAs you likely know, the Museum had to remain closed due to Covid-19. This was the first spring in 32 years where we didn’t open our doors on May 1. This was the first time since we started Early Birder Morning Walks (more than a decade ago!) that we couldn’t gather for to walk and watch spring migration together.

We have missed you! Although we were saddened to hear of people who were ill or lost their lives; we also are hugely grateful that, by all of us working together, we kept the numbers lower than they could have been. As the number of Vermont cases continues to be encouragingly small, the state is allowing some businesses to open (with restrictions in place).

We are happy to tell you that the Museum opened on Wednesday, June 3! Continue reading “Open for 2020, finally”