Through the Window: March 2021

White-breasted nuthatch in profile, upside-down but head lifted, on a half-empty suet cage.
White-breasted nuthatch on suet, March 2011, Birds of Vermont Museum. Photo taken through window.

We had rather a good number of visitors (by appointment) as we worked away on the behind-the-scenes things we do (preparing for opening in spring, if all goes well). One of our month’s highlights wasn’t birds at all, but lady beetles! You can read more about them here:

But back to birds… quite the exciting mix!

Continue reading “Through the Window: March 2021”

Through the Window: January 2021

Black-capped Chickadee and Dark-eyed Junco in winter. The Chickadee is perched on a half-fallen dried goldenrod stem on the left; the Junco is underneath he stem on the right. There are some forsythia stems in the background and snow covers the ground. Digiscoped iPhone photo by K. Talmage and used by permission.
Black-capped Chickadee and Dark-eyed Junco in winter. Digiscoped iPhone photo by K. Talmage and used by permission.

One thing we love about January is the potential for surprises. Irruptions, mutli-species flocks, or interesting marks in the snow can all happen. Which bird might we get to see this month? Will we be lucky enough to see it from the window? Will there be many? Which ones would we expect and not see after all?  Each possibility is a delight.

Seen from our Windows in January

Continue reading “Through the Window: January 2021”

Through the Window: November 2020

Fox Sparrow (woodcarving by Bob Spear)Well, we’d hoped to be open on weekends on November, but due to more coronavirus cases, we went straight to “by appointment” only. A bit disappointing for us and (we hope) you! Still, we kept refilling the museum feeders and watched birds when we took a break from prepping the next newsletter and other behind-the-scenes things.

Which of these birds have been to your feeders?
Continue reading “Through the Window: November 2020”

Through the Window: October 2020

Ruffed Grouse in fall Crabapple tree
Ruffed Grouse in crab-apple tree in fall.

Who went running in the Race Around Birds? Did you see any birds while you did? It’s a hard race they say*, and pretty tricky to bird at the same time! So we offered a walking option, and two of the walkers observed a Hermit Thrush, and three walkers spotted a Ruffed Grouse.

Take another walk this month: it’s stick season now and although activity is low, visibility through the forest is good. Or stay cozy at our viewing window…you might see some of the ones we did last month.

Continue reading “Through the Window: October 2020”

Through the Window: August 2020

Woodchuck, blue jay, and gray squirrel enjoy the spillage from the bird feeders
Woodchuck, blue jay, and gray squirrel enjoy the spillage from the bird feeders.

August seems to have vanished rather quickly!  Rather like the bird seed does sometimes….

Birds observed in August

  • Black-capped chickadee
  • American Goldfinch
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  • Blue Jay
  • Northern Cardinal
  • Rose-breasted Grosbeak
  • Mourning Dove
  • Purple Finch
  • Hairy Woodpecker
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Red-breasted Nuthatch
  • Dark-eyed Junco Continue reading “Through the Window: August 2020”

Through the Window: June 2020

butterfly in June 2020, Huntington, Vermont Photo courtesy K. Talmage and used by permission)
Unidentified butterfly in June 2020, Huntington, Vermont. (Photo courtesy K. Talmage and used by permission)

June is unbelievably beautiful in Vermont. To add to our happiness, we have been able to open the Museum Wednesdays-Sundays, 10-4, which is so far working well.  To add to the beauty of late spring around us, we’ve got a new art show, all about borders and boundaries, edges and exchanges.

Stop by to wander our trails, tour the show, and enjoy the respite offered by super-relaxed birding. What could be easier than sitting at our viewing window (or in our bird blind, or best yet, in the walk-in treehouse) and watching for birds, butterflies, and other fellow beings?

Birds observed in June

Continue reading “Through the Window: June 2020”