Your help matters.
From gifts of time to financial contributions to conservation actions, each of us can help birds, the environment, and the Museum.
Donate directly We happily accept donations in person, by phone, through the mail, and online through PayPal. Click a button below to donate now, in whatever amount you want. If you prefer mail, our address is below.
Be a Member Join or renew a membership, or give a gift membership to a bird-loving friend or family member. Find out more and sign up on our membership page.
Volunteer your time and skills Opportunities abound, indoors and out and for both short-and-long term periods. Our volunteer page has more info. We offer more focused internships as well.
Sponsor a carving With a larger donation, you can honor a person, a group, a memory, or idea. Sponsored carvings have a plaque with your chosen words on the bird carving’s exhibit case. This is a wonderful way to be involved with the Museum and help share our mission. Contact us to find out more.
Bird conservation choices Use your everyday choices, from the coffee you choose to the laws you enact, to create a world better for birds.
Share about us online Tell people about us with travel reviews, in your blogs, and in your photos!