Our Commitment
The Birds of Vermont Museum welcomes all visitors. The museum collection salutes the diversity of all life. We actively strive to serve people from different backgrounds and experiences, to increase access, to elevate diverse artistic and scientific voices, and to support a community that values inclusivity, respect, and diversity. We are learning, assessing our assumptions, and working to broaden the birding community.
Our Action Guide
The Birds of Vermont Museum and our staff, board members, volunteers, and interns will reference the following actions to guide our work, communications, recruitment, and educational activities.
Natural History & Art
- Share work from diverse scientists, artists, and creators in our permanent and temporary exhibits, gift shop, and programs.
Indoors / Outdoors
- Implement universal design and inclusive design principles throughout the museum, indoors and outdoors.
- Explore ways to make our outdoor spaces more accessible to audiences of all abilities.
- Routinely evaluate our programming and messaging to ensure we are elevating a diversity of voices and perspectives.
- Identify underserved communities and ways to collaborate with them for increased engagement with birds and birding.
- Seek community partners to provide financial support to assist in bringing people from underserved communities to the museum and to develop innovative ways to bring the museum to them.
- Establish an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee consisting of staff and board members to strategize, monitor, and advise the museum’s efforts.
- Educate ourselves and our visitors about past stewards of the land and identify how we can share this land in respectful and meaningful ways and protect it for future stewards.
- Ensure that outreach to artists, interns, volunteers, members, and future employees includes reaching out to diverse communities (e.g., age, skills, abilities, backgrounds, perspectives).
- Make our journey transparent and visible to our audience, as we do the work to achieve a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse organization.
Some resources and links for us that are specific to our ongoing activities and learning
- https://www.audubon.org/about/edi
- https://vteandenetwork.org/Commitment-to-Change
- https://www.vermontartscouncil.org/about-us/inclusion-diversity-equity-access
- https://www.aba.org/the-aba-and-equity-diversity-and-inclusion/
- https://vtecostudies.org/about-us/dei-statement/
- https://www.inclusiveartsvermont.org/about/mission-vision-values/
- https://www.amnh.org/about/diversity-equity-inclusion
- https://vteandenetwork.org/
- https://vt.audubon.org/about-us/equity-diversity-and-inclusion
- http://www.middlebury.edu/system/files/media/Abenaki_FINAL_ForWEB.pdf
- https://www.montshire.org/about/statement-on-equity-and-inclusion
- https://www.clevelandart.org/sites/default/files/documents/other/Diversity%2C%20Equity%20and%20Inclusion%20Plan.pdf
- https://www.councilofnonprofits.org/tools-resources/why-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-matter-nonprofits
- https://www.udll.com/media-room/articles/the-seven-principles-of-universal-design/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inclusive_design#:~:text=Inclusive%20design%20is%20a%20design,overseen%20with%20other%20design%20processes .
- https://designthinkingformuseums.net/2019/04/30/cultural-equity-statements-as-framing-tools/#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20cultural%20equity,justice%2C%20equity%2C%20and%20inclusivity.
- https://www.astc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Putting-it-on-Paper-Power-of-an-Equity-Statement_2019-Presentation-Materials.pdf
- https://news.artnet.com/art-world/museums-diversity-equity-commitments-1901564
- https://nemanet.org/nemn/fall-2020/
- https://thesafezoneproject.com/
Additional Food for Thought
- https://native-land.ca/
- https://birdnamesforbirds.wordpress.com/
- https://orionmagazine.org/article/9-rules-for-the-woke-birdwatcher/
Questions and Contact Information
If you have questions or concerns about our policy, please write to us at:
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Birds of Vermont Museum
900 Sherman Hollow Road
Huntington, VT 05462
Or email us at museum@birdsofvermont.org