About Birds: Observations, Natural History, Identification, and Data Collection
- All About Birds― a Cornell Labs project; includes a bird identification guide
- Birdshare―Shared bird photos; use as references for identification and illustration
- Cornell lab of Ornithology―full of information, education, and shared projects
- eBird for Vermont―Share and review bird observation data; read birding news
- Hummingbird Guide―A resource for hummingbird fans
- Project Feederwatch―Share and review bird observations from your own feeders
- Vermont Breeding Bird Survey― You can also find something about the project at USGS North American BBA Explorer. Vermont’s Bird Records Committee
- Vermont Center for Ecosystem Studies―Explore their Mountain EcoStudies, Wildlife Research, and Wildlife Watching sections, especially
- Birding Vermont with limited mobility : a map put together by Bryan Pfeiffer
Conservation and Nature Organizations
- American Birding Association
- Audubon Vermont (our neighbor and often partner)
- Keeping Track
- Ornithological Societies of North America
- Southern Vermont Natural History Museum
in West Marlboro…not close, but nifty - Vermont Bird Tours
- Vermont Birding on the Net
- Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
- Vermont Entomological Society
- Vermont Fish and Wildlife
- Vermont Institute of Natural Science
- Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas