November Bird Monitoring Walk

Birds of Vermont Museum

Join our monthly monitoring walk to record birds on the Museum property. Learn something new, share what you know, or both!

Donations welcome

December Bird Monitoring Walk

Birds of Vermont Museum

Join our monthly monitoring walk to record birds on the Museum property. Learn something new, share what you know, or both!

Donations welcome

Nestlings Explore Winter: bird survival

Birds of Vermont Museum

Kids explore nature, discovering, investigating, making, and having fun. This month: the secrets of winter bird survival.


January Bird Monitoring Walk

Birds of Vermont Museum

Join our monthly monitoring walk to record birds on the Museum property. Learn something new, share what you know, or both!

Slow Birding Outing

Birds of Vermont Museum

Join Bird Diva Bridget Butler for a Slow Birding Outing that will offer up a mindful approach to birding that will connect you with birds, the land, and yourself. Bridget will lead you on an outcome-free outing that will focus on getting to know birds beyond their identification and building a personal Slow Birding practice.

February Bird Monitoring Walk

Birds of Vermont Museum

Join our monthly monitoring walk to record birds on the Museum property. Learn something new, share what you know, or both!

Full Moon Snowshoe Walk

Birds of Vermont Museum

Witness the full moon and talk about surviving winter, early spring, nocturnal creatures, stars...