July Bird Monitoring Walk

Birds of Vermont Museum

Join our monthly monitoring walk to record birds on the Museum property. Learn something new, share what you know, or both!

Donations welcome

Stories in the Forest: Summer Woods Walk

Birds of Vermont Museum

Explore woodland habitats in different stages of being from clearings to mature forest. What stories can you read from trees and other landscape features?

Suggested donation

A Gnome’s Eye View

Birds of Vermont Museum

Imagine the world from the height of a gnome, a mouse, or a junco. Explore sounds, scents, and colors up close and tiny.

Suggested donation

Insects of the Day

Birds of Vermont Museum

Which wonderful, weird, and wild insects are out during the day? Explore the museum grounds with James Grant, wildlife photographer.

Suggested donation

Ice Cream Social Thank You for Members and Volunteers

Birds of Vermont Museum

Enjoy an old fashioned ice cream social as a thank you to all the volunteers and members who have helped us get through the last year and a half.

Free, donations welcome (RSVP required)