Museum Day: Experience America

Smithsonian's Museum Day logo

Museum Day brings together museums, zoos & cultural centers from all 50 states and offers free admission to ticket holders. After spending the past year indoors, this year the theme is encouraging people to get out, learn about the world around them, and EXPERIENCE AMERICA.

So many Museums, so much wonderfulness.

Details and Your Free Ticket

The Smithsonian in Washington DC is free to all; one day a year they invite other Museums to offer the same thing. We’re delighted to be part of this.
Find a Museum (how about us?), then print or download your free ticket here. Get your admissions ticket and find a museum here:
Participants are allowed to download one ticket per email address. The ticket provides free general admission for the ticket holder and one guest on Saturday, September 18, 2021, from 10am until 4pm. Set free your curiosity!
About us (on the Smithsonian site):…/birds-of-vermont…/