One of our staff members recently came across this bird list from 1945. Can anyone provide us with some information about this? It most likely belonged to one of her grandparents, a resident of the Bronx in 1945. Do you think it referred to New York resident and/or migrants visible from the Bronx Zoo? Was there a group that met at the zoo and birded from there? Can you spot the birds whose names have been revised since then?
Here’s a scan of the pages (a click will show each larger, or you can download the PDF) and the text is below.
Zoo Bird Group
Master List for 1945
Spring Migration
- Loon, Common
- Grebe, Horned
- Heron, Great Blue
- Heron, Green
- Heron, Black-crowned Night
- Goose, Canada
- Mallard
- Duck, Black
- Pintail
- Duck, Greater Scaup
- Duck, Lesser Scaup
- Golden-eye American
- Old Squaw
- Merganser, Hooded
- Merganser, American
- Merganser, Red-breasted
- Hawk, Sharp-shinned
- Hawk, Cooper’s
- Hawk, Red-tailed
- Hawk, Red-shouldered
- Hawk, Marsh
- Osprey
- Hawk, Sparrow
- Pheasant, Ring-necked
- Rail, Clapper
- Plover, Piping
- Plover, Semipalmated
- Killdeer
- Plover, Black-bellied
- Turnstone, Ruddy
- Snipe, Wilson’s
- Sandpiper, Spotted
- Sandpiper, Solitary
- Yellow-legs, Greater
- Yellow-legs, Lesser
- Sandpiper, Least
- Dowitcher
- Sandpiper, Semipalmated
- Sandpiper, Western
- Sanderling
- Gull, Herring
- Gull, Ring-billed
- Gull, Laughing
- Gull, Bonaparte’s
- Tern, Least
- Dove, Mourning
- Cuckoo, Yellow-billed
- Cuckoo, Black-billed
- Owl, Barn
- Swift, Chimney
- Nighthawk
- Kingfisher, Belted
- Flicker
- Woodpecker, Downy
- Kingbird, Eastern
- Flycatcher, Crested
- Phoebe
- Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied
- Flycatcher, Acadian
- Flycatcher, Least
- Pewee, Wood
- Lark, HOrned
- Swallow, Tree
- Swallow, Bank
- Swallow, Rough-winged
- Swallow, Barn
- Swallow, Cliff
- Jay, Blue
- Crow
- Crow, Fish
- Chickadee, Black-capped
- Nuthatch, White-breasted
- Creeper, Brown
- Wren, House
- Wren, Long-billed Marsh
- Catbird
- Thrasher, Brown
- Robin
- Thrush, Wood
- Thrush, Hermit
- Thrush, Olive Blacked [sic]
- Veery
- Bluebird
- Kinglet, Golden-crowned
- Kinglet, Ruby-crowned
- Waxwing, Cedar
- Starling
- Vireo, White-eyed
- Vireo, Yellow-throated
- Vireo, Blue-headed
- Vireo, Red-eyed
- Warbler, Black and White
- Warbler, Nashville
- Warbler, Parula
- Warbler, Yellow
- Warbler, Magnolia
- Warbler, Cape May
- Warbler, Black-throated blue
- Warbler, Myrtle
- Warbler, Black-throated green
- Warbler, Chestnut-sided
- Warbler, Black-poll
- Warbler, Pine
- Warbler, Prairie
- Warbler, Palm
- Oven-bird
- Water-thrush, Northern
- Yellow-throat
- Chat, Yellow-breasted
- Warbler, Canada
- Redstart
- Sparrow, English
- Bobolink
- Meadowlark
- Red-wing
- Oriole, Baltimore
- Blackbird, Rusty
- Grackle, Purplw [sic]
- Cowbird
- Tanager, Scarlet
- Cardinal
- Grosbeak, Rose-breasted
- Bunting, Indigo
- Towhee
- Goldfinch
- Sparrow, Ipswich
- Sparrow, Savannah
- Sparrow, Sharp-tailed
- Sparrow, Seaside
- Junco, Slate-colored
- Sparrow, Tree
- Sparrow, Chipping
- Sparrow, Field
- Sparrow, White-crowned
- Sparrow, White-throated
- Sparrow, Fox
- Sparrow, Swamp
- Sparrow, Song