Early Birders’ Observations for June 21, 2015

The the second-to-last 2015  Early Birders Morning Walk was was rich in rain and then some more rain. Six dedicated birders noticed 28 species from under hoods and umbrellas, braving damp dirt roads and muddy trails to do so. Thank goodness for beverages and tasty baked goods to help us dry out by the viewing window (where we added a few more species). As she’s done this year so many times, we appreciate Mae Mayville for eBirding the results for us.

 Birds of Vermont Museum, Chittenden, US-VT
 Sherman Hollow Road, Chittenden, Vermont, US
 Jun 21, 2015 7:00 AM - 8:45 AM
 Protocol: Traveling
 0.5 kilometer(s)
 Comments:     Early Birders walk; raining.
 28 species
 Mourning Dove  3
 Ruby-throated Hummingbird  2
 Downy Woodpecker  2
 Hairy Woodpecker  2
 Merlin  1
 Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
 Eastern Phoebe  2
 Great Crested Flycatcher  1
 Warbling Vireo  1
 Red-eyed Vireo  1
 Blue Jay  4
 Black-capped Chickadee  2
 House Wren  3
 American Robin  3
 Gray Catbird  3
 European Starling  2
 Cedar Waxwing  4
 Common Yellowthroat  3
 Chestnut-sided Warbler  3
 Song Sparrow  3
 Northern Cardinal  2
 Rose-breasted Grosbeak  2
 Red-winged Blackbird  8
 Common Grackle  3
 Brown-headed Cowbird  2
 Purple Finch  1
 Pine Siskin  1
 American Goldfinch 3

View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S23991964
This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)

Join us for the last one this year, June 28! Enjoy the start of the day with us, birds, and other woodland inhabitants. Walks are led by experienced birders familiar with Vermont birds—and we welcome additional possible leaders. Let us know if you’re interested in volunteering.

Finish the walk with bird-friendly coffee at the viewing window inside the Museum.

Bring binoculars and good walking shoes. Park at 900 Sherman Hollow Road, in the Museum parking lot.

Best for adults and older children • Free, donations welcome.
Pre-registration is helpful but not required. Call 802 434-2167 or email museum@birdsofvermont.org

Expert birder pwned by 4-year old

Guest story by our friend and expert birder, AW.

While the four-year old (L) picked and munched on fresh beans from the garden, I noticed some birds in a dead tree. Red-eyed Vireo, a young Eastern Phoebe, and wait! Oh! A warbler? A Wilson’s? That would be cool, a first in my yard.

Me: Hey L, there’s a really cool bird in the tree; I think it’s a Wilson’s Warbler. I’m going to go set up my scope to get a good look if you want to come look at it.

L: Okay, I’ll come.

Me: This could be a Wilson’s Warbler! It would be great to see one because they just pass through Vermont when migrating. We don’t get a chance to see them often. Continue reading “Expert birder pwned by 4-year old”

Early Birders’ Observations for June 29, 2014

Erin Talmage led the June 29, 2014,  Early Birders Morning Walk . Last Early Birders walk for the season. (Of course we will have more bird walks under other titles. This series will be back next spring, too. No worries!)

Enjoy our summary:

 BBirds of Vermont Museum, Chittenden, US-VT
 Jun 29, 2014 7:00 AM - 9:20 AM
 Protocol: Traveling
 2.0 kilometer(s)
 Comments:     Early Birders Walk led by Shirley Johnson.
 37 species
 Ruffed Grouse  1     heard drumming
 Northern Goshawk  1
 Broad-winged Hawk  1
 Mourning Dove  2
 Ruby-throated Hummingbird  1
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  8
 Downy Woodpecker  2
 Hairy Woodpecker  1
 Eastern Phoebe  2
 Great Crested Flycatcher  1
 Red-eyed Vireo  4
 Blue Jay  8
 American Crow  2
 Common Raven  1
 Black-capped Chickadee  6
 White-breasted Nuthatch  2
 House Wren  2
 Winter Wren  3
 Veery  1
 Hermit Thrush  2
 Wood Thrush  1
 American Robin  2
 Gray Catbird  1
 Cedar Waxwing  2
 Ovenbird  9     3 recently fledged, calling incessantly from trees; crowns were dull; exhibited poor motor planning which led to determination they were fledglings.
 Common Yellowthroat  2
 Chestnut-sided Warbler  2
 Black-throated Blue Warbler  2
 Black-throated Green Warbler  2
 Song Sparrow  2
 White-throated Sparrow  1
 Scarlet Tanager  2
 Rose-breasted Grosbeak  4
 Indigo Bunting  1     singing
 Red-winged Blackbird  2
 Baltimore Oriole  2
 American Goldfinch  1
 View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S18942056
 This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)

Join this walk series again next spring! We’ll start of the day with birders and birds, not to mention other woodland dwellers. Walks are led by experienced birders familiar with Vermont birds—and we welcome additional possible leaders. Let us know if you’re interested in volunteering.

Finish the walk with bird-friendly coffee at the viewing window inside the Museum.

Bring binoculars and good walking shoes. Park at 900 Sherman Hollow Road, in the Museum parking lot.

Best for adults and older children • Free, donations welcome.
Pre-registration is helpful but not required. Call 802 434-2167 or email museum@birdsofvermont.org

Bird Monitoring Walk report, June 28, 2014

Director Erin Talmage led the monthly Bird Monitoring Walk, These results are also recorded with eBird.

Birds of Vermont Museum, Chittenden, US-VT
 Jun 28, 2014 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
 Protocol: Traveling
 1.0 kilometer(s)
 Comments:     Monitoring walk led by Erin Talmage
 24 species
 American Bittern  1     Flushed it near the pond; it flew to picnic table area and remained there until we had walked behind the grove of shrubs and trees above the pond, at which time it flew back down to the pond.
 Ring-billed Gull  1
 Mourning Dove  2
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  5
 Hairy Woodpecker  1
 Eastern Phoebe  2
 Blue-headed Vireo  0     Observed that nest was again unoccupied.
 Red-eyed Vireo  2
 Blue Jay  10
 American Crow  2
 Black-capped Chickadee  8
 White-breasted Nuthatch  1
 House Wren  4     two nesting boxes occupied.
 Winter Wren  1
 Hermit Thrush  2
 American Robin  1
 Gray Catbird  2
 Ovenbird  4
 Chestnut-sided Warbler  1
 Black-throated Green Warbler  1
 Scarlet Tanager  1
 Rose-breasted Grosbeak  2     Foraging in low shrubs overlooking back part of pond
 Indigo Bunting  1     Observed singing near pond
 Common Grackle  3
 American Goldfinch  3
 View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S18932432
 This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (http://ebird.org)

Through the Window: June 2013 with length

Happy summer. Goodness what a lot of rain this year. Saw some birds anyway. Bold ones are those we didn’t see last month!

  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  • Red-winged Blackbird
  • Common Yellowthroat
  • Blue Jay
  • Hair Woodpecker
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Common Grackle
  • Brown-headed Cowbird
  • Northern Oriole  (Ed. note: this is an old name for Baltimore Oriole; it hybridizes with the Bullock’s in some places in its range, and for a time, both species were called Northern Oriole. See http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/baltimore_oriole/lifehistory)
  • Starling
  • Rose-breasted Grosbeak
  • Mourning Dove
  • Northern Cardinal
  • White-breasted Nuthatch
  • Wild Turkey
  • American Goldfinch
  • Song Sparrow
  • Tufted Titmouse
  • Purple Finch
  • American Crow (3 on 6/11)
  • Black-capped Chickadee
  • Red-breasted Nuthatch
  • Cooper’s Hawk
  • Evening Grosbeak
  • Indigo Bunting

The “Through the Window” series is an informal record of observations made by staff, volunteers, and visitors. Anyone at the Museum may add to this list. Observations are usually through our viewing window: a large window with a film to make it more difficult for birds to see the watchers. We have chairs and binoculars to try there, a white board, and many identification guides. Outdoors, several feeders are attached on a single, bear-resistant pole. A small pond, flowers and water plants, shrubs and trees add cover and other food choices. You can sometimes see what we see via our webcam.

Early Birders’ Observations for June 30

The June 30th Early Birders Morning Walk was the last of the season. Thanks to Shirley Johnson, who led the walk, and Mae Mayville, who eBirded the results.No more walks in this series this year, although our trails are open sunrise to sunset, and we’re working on some additional field trips as well. Check our calendar!

Here’s their report:

Birds of Vermont Museum, Chittenden, US-VT
 Jun 30, 2013 7:15 AM - 9:30 AM
 Protocol: Traveling
 2.0 kilometer(s)
 Comments:     Early morning bird walk led by Shirley Johnson.
 34 species
 Turkey Vulture  1     over museum
 Mourning Dove  4
 Ruby-throated Hummingbird  2
 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  2
 Downy Woodpecker  1
 Pileated Woodpecker  1
 Eastern Wood-Pewee  6
 Eastern Phoebe  2
 Great Crested Flycatcher  2
 Red-eyed Vireo  2
 Blue Jay  7
 American Crow  3
 Black-capped Chickadee  6
 Tufted Titmouse  1
 Red-breasted Nuthatch  2
 Brown Creeper  2
 Winter Wren  3
 Veery  2
 Hermit Thrush  3
 Wood Thrush  2
 American Robin  2
 Cedar Waxwing  4
 Ovenbird  5
 Common Yellowthroat  2
 Blackburnian Warbler  4
 Chestnut-sided Warbler  3
 Pine Warbler  4
 Song Sparrow  3
 Scarlet Tanager  1
 Northern Cardinal  1
 Indigo Bunting  1
 Red-winged Blackbird  2
 Common Grackle  4
 American Goldfinch  2
 View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S14536890


Early Birders’ Observations for June 23

The June 23rd Early Birders Morning Walk focused on birding by ear a bit more than usual—sometimes the birds (and habitats) are just like that! It was very well attended as well. Once again, our Board President Shirley Johnson led the walk, and Mae Mayville (another great volunteer and Board member) eBirded the results. Thank you!

Here’s their report:

Birds of Vermont Museum, Chittenden, US-VT
Jun 23, 2013 7:20 AM - 9:10 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.0 kilometer(s)
Comments:     Early morning bird walk led by Shirley Johnson
37 species

Mourning Dove  2
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  4
Downy Woodpecker  1
Hairy Woodpecker  2
Northern Flicker  1
Eastern Wood-Pewee  2
Great Crested Flycatcher  2
Blue-headed Vireo  2
Red-eyed Vireo  3
Blue Jay  4
American Crow  2
Common Raven  1
Black-capped Chickadee  3
Tufted Titmouse  2
Red-breasted Nuthatch  1
White-breasted Nuthatch  1
Brown Creeper  1
Winter Wren  2
Veery  2
Hermit Thrush  2
American Robin  1
Gray Catbird  1
Cedar Waxwing  X
Ovenbird  4
Common Yellowthroat  2
American Redstart  1
Blackburnian Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  2
Song Sparrow  2
Northern Cardinal  2
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  3
Indigo Bunting  1
Red-winged Blackbird  2
Common Grackle  2
Baltimore Oriole  1
American Goldfinch  2

View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S14482501

Join us for one last early morning ramble on June 30! Enjoy the start of the day with us, birds, and other woodland inhabitants. Walks are led by experienced birders familiar with Vermont birds—and we welcome additional possible leaders! Let us know if you’re interested in volunteering.

Finish the walk with bird-friendly coffee at the viewing window inside the Museum.

Bring binoculars and good walking shoes. Park at 900 Sherman Hollow Road, in the Museum parking lot.

Appropriate for: Adults and older children • Free, donations welcome.
Pre-registration is helpful but not required. Call 802 434-2167 or email museum@birdsofvermont.org