We could not have asked for better weather during the July 8th ButterflyWalk. Clear blue skies and comfortable temperatures welcomed the eighteen nature lovers that joined Vermont Entomological Society naturalists and entomologists for an exploratory stroll on the Birds of Vermont Museum grounds. Make sure to check out the list of the many butterflies, insects, and other miscellaneous critters participants got to experience up close!
To learn more about the Vermont Entomological Society check out their website, where you can find gorgeous photos and information about the society.

Butterflies, Insects, and Misc. Critters viewed on July 8th:
- Atlantis Fritillary Butterfly
- Clouded Sulphurs Butterfly (male)
- Dun Skipper Butterfly
- Monarch Butterfly
- Question Mark Butterfly
- Azure Butterfly
- Northern Pearly Eye Butterfly
- Red Admiral Butterfly
- Sod Grass Veneer Moth
- Mottled Snout Moth
- Gypsy Moth (caterpillar)
- Plume Moth
- Enallagma Skimming Bluet (blue damselfly)
- Bright Green Damselfly
- 12-Spotted Skimmer Dragonfly
- Red Dragon Fly
- Dragon Fly (exoskeleton)
- Crane Fly
- Scorpion Fly (female)
- Serpent Fly (mimics wasp)
- Click Beetle
- Japanese Beetle
- Whirligig Beetle
- Case-bearing Leaf Beetle
Other Species:
- Bush Katydid
- Grey Grasshopper (gripped and turned a dime – VERY IMPRESSIVE!)
- Large Tan Spider(male)
- Crab Spider (3 sighted, 1 was eating another insect)
- Water Boatman
- Water Scorpion
- Frogs & Tadpoles
- Leeches
- Salamanders
- Raven (heard)
- Black Billed Cuckoo (heard and sighted)