November has been a little surprising, as we’ve gotten rather more snow than usual. Puts us in mind of winter birds, instead of fall….
So which ones have been around?
- Blue Jay (one of these had a leg band! We couldn’t see it clearly from the windows or binoculars, though.)
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Tufted Titmouse
- Mourning Dove
- Red-breasted Nuthatch
- Northern Cardinal
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- Dark-eyed Junco
- White-throated Sparrow
- American Goldfinch
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Downy Woodpecker
- Brown Creeper (on Yellow Birch near front of Museum 8 Nov 2018)
- Common Grackle
- American Tree Sparrow (First of season, 14 Nov 2018)
- American Robin (14 Nov 2018)
Those Gray Squirrels are still numerous and plump; fewer Red Squirrels that Gray. I wonder how and whether they tell each other apart. Behavior? Subtle differences in markings we’re mostly not yet tuned to? Smell?
(Bold items in this list are those species not recorded in October 2018.)
It’s our “by-appointment season! Call us to arrange a visit to the Museum: check out the viewing window, come along a bird monitoring walk, or find us out an about. We continue to host walks, classes, and more. These are listed on our events page.
Volunteers, we have opportunities for you!
If you follow us on Facebook, Twitter , tumblr, and/or Instagram too, you’ll find more comments, links, and observations. See you soon!
The “Through the Window” series is an informal record of observations made by staff, volunteers, and visitors. Anyone at the Museum may add to this list. Observations are usually through our viewing window: a large window with a film covering that helps hide watchers from the birds. We have chairs and binoculars to try, a white board, and many identification guides. Outdoors, several feeders are attached on a single, bear-resistant pole. A small pond, flowers and water plants, shrubs and trees add cover and (seasonally) other food choices . You can sometimes see what we see via our webcam.
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