Through the Window: March 2019

Red-winged Blackbird, Carved by Bob Spear
Red-winged Blackbird, carved by Bob Spear

April is upon us! You know what that means: hiccuping weather. Winter today, spring tomorrow, and a whole lotta mud, especially on the roads. Drive with care, especially if you’re birding at the same time. (We recommend pulling over. I mean, really.)

What? It also means returning species? You better believe it. What’s your favorite harbinger of spring?

Continue reading “Through the Window: March 2019”

Through the Window: February 2019

Common Redpoll. Photo by E. Talmage and used by permission.
Common Redpoll. Photo by E. Talmage and used by permission.

So this is the second time we’re posting this month’s entry, because Things Happened (not caused by us) at our host and our site had to be reset to a backup version. Anything we added or edited after that date went “poof”! Eeek.

However, we now have even more frequent backups (lesson learned!)… but I can’t remember much about February! Of course, we did keep the bird list record, so there’s that. Also, if you run a website using anything like wordpress or joomla or squarespace or such, please keep your plugins and site software up-to-date. It’s good for all of us. Go get your updates and backups scheduled and running… then get outside and check out the birds! You deserve it.

Continue reading “Through the Window: February 2019”

Through the Window: October 2018

White-throated Sparrow, carved by Bob Spear.
White-throated Sparrow, carved by Bob Spear.

October is great, because it’s the month of the Big Sit!. That’s a day when we sit around with Team Loonatics and look for birds. They do all the hard work: cooking, listing, watching, identifying. We host them and are happy. Their list of birds this year doesn’t quite match our viewing window list (below), since we can’t always see from inside what they see from outside. It’s great to see and hear them all.

Some of the more northerly species are returning! Continue reading “Through the Window: October 2018”

Through the Window: June 2018

Northern Flicker. Carved by Bob Spear; photographed by Museum staff.
Northern Flicker. Carved by Bob Spear; photographed by Museum staff.

Early birders continued their weekly walks this month. It’s such fun to go out with them or hear their stories afterward; each month is different. Those lists are generally recorded over on eBird. From the windows, we stick with the more well-recognized feeder and forest edge birds. Even here, there are often stories to be discovered. Continue reading “Through the Window: June 2018”