A warm and muggy month! Good for raising nestlings? Thanks to the sharp and patient eyes of one of our interns, we saw a few birds that are rarely spotted in our feeder area (although they can be heard in the nearby forest canopy on some of our bird walks).
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Blue Jay
- Common Grackle
- Downy Woodpecker
- Mourning Dove
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Northern Cardinal
- Hairy Woodpecker
- American Goldfinch
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Back and White Warbler (Alit briefly on feeder July 12th. Observed by D. Palm.)
- Purple Finch
- Baltimore Oriole
- White-throated Sparrow
- Sharp-shinned hawk (Juvenile. Dramatic near-catch of prey alongside bridge and outside door: Hawk reared up and swerved around the gift shop corner. Prey bird hit entrance door, then walkway, then recovered, then flew to woods)
- female Redstart (female, D. Palm observation)
(Bold items in this list are those species not recorded in June 2018.)
Also noted: the Furry Three (Gray and red Squirrels, Eastern Chipmunk), and several nifty insects, including Monarch and Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies, and Clearwing Sphinx Moths.
Drop by between 10am and 4pm—see the feeder birds yourself (and add to our monthly lists). Or view our carved birds, habitats, and interpretations in our permanent exhibits and our 2018 art show.
Volunteers, we have opportunities for you!
We continue to host walks, classes, and more. These are listed on our events page. If you follow us on Facebook, Twitter , tumblr, and/or Instagram too, you’ll find more comments, links, and observations. See you soon!
The “Through the Window” series is an informal record of observations made by staff, volunteers, and visitors. Anyone at the Museum may add to this list. Observations are usually through our viewing window: a large window with a film covering that helps hide watchers from the birds. We have chairs and binoculars to try, a white board, and many identification guides. Outdoors, several feeders are attached on a single, bear-resistant pole. A small pond, flowers and water plants, shrubs and trees add cover and (seasonally) other food choices . You can sometimes see what we see via our webcam.
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