Through the Window: March 2023

A Mourning Dove and a Blue Jay face each other across of platform containing black oil sunflower seeds.
A Mourning Dove and a Blue Jay face each other across of platform containing black oil sunflower seeds.

March is all about the this-way-and-that-way dance of winter, spring, and mud seasons. Watch for migrants returning and spring behaviors in, well, everyone. Two things we especially like:

The “Oh sweetie” song of the Black-capped Chickadee.
And those Mourning Dove males who keep getting distracted from eating—instead, they puff up and pace after the females, begging for their attention.

March Bird List

Continue reading “Through the Window: March 2023”

Museum Open for Great Backyard Bird Count

black-capped chickadee eyes black oil birdseed in the platform feeder in fall-winter

Visit us February 18th, 2023,  to see what birds we’re counting for the Great Backyard Bird Count!

  • Learn to ID birds — what do we look / listen for?
  • Go birding with a friend — twice the fun
  • Find out more about –and record observations for–this great citizen science project!

We’re open from 10-3 on Saturday for the GBBC
Members admission: Free! 

About the GBBC:

Friday – Monday,  February 17-20, 2023 • All Over the World

From the Great Backyard Bird Count website:

Launched in 1998 by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, the Great Backyard Bird Count was the first online citizen-science project to collect data on wild birds and to display results in near real-time.

Since then, more than 100,000 people of all ages and walks of life have joined the four-day count each February to create an annual snapshot of the distribution and abundance of birds.

For more info visit Great Backyard Bird Count website

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The Great Backyard Bird Count

Dark-eyed Junco (a small gray and white songbird) on a bare twig. Text in the image reads "How many birds can you find? 26th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count February 17-20, 2023 Dark-eyed Junco photo courtesy of the Macauley Library"

Friday – Monday, February 17-20, 2023 • All Over the World

With a friend or one your own, watching one bird or counting hundreds, join a worldwide community-science and conservation project! All you have to do is observe for 15 minutes and submit your observation(s). Here are few details from :

Step 1 – Decide where you will watch birds. [Suggestion: at the Museum on Saturday!]

Step 2 – Watch birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once over the four days, February 17-20, 2023.

Step 3 – Count all the birds you see or hear within your planned time/location and use the best tool for sharing your bird sightings:

For more info:
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Through the Window: December 2022

Lifelike wood carving of a Black-capped chickadee, perched on the side of a rough-barked stump. Carved by Bob Spear.
Black-capped Chickadee, carved and painted by Bob Spear.

It’s the end of 2022, and a pretty good year it’s been. We hope the same is true for you.

Thank you for following us, supporting us, and being part of the museum community.

Enjoy the brief list of this month’s birds, consider donating to our annual appeal, and keep on birding!

Happy New Year!

December Bird List

Continue reading “Through the Window: December 2022”

Winter Finches and Irruptions

Redpoll (smallbrown and white bird with reddish patch on forehead, type of , finch) perches on a snowy spruce branchlet.

It is an irruptive year! What does that mean? Which Vermont birds are irruptive?

We’ll start with finches, but don’t be surprised if we branch out to waxwings, owls… Bring your questions! We’ll follow up the presentation with a semi-guided finch-specific tour of the museum.

Recommended for adults of all ages, and older children.

A suggested donation of $20 includes museum admission; please pay what you are comfortable with.

Sign up now:

Photo of Common Redpoll by E. Talmage and used with permission.

Nestlings Explore Winter: bird survival

Black-capped chickadee eating a sunflower seed. Chickadee perches on a pile of hulled sunflower seeds in winter; a few snowflakes show on the bird's black feathers.

Learn the secrets of winter bird survival. Could you do it?

We’ll imagine ourselves as birds in Vermont in winter. How do we find wamth, food, and shelter to survive the cold? Let’s mimic birds’ strategies for success!

Designed for kids ages 4 – 8, siblings welcome.
$5 (adult chaperones free)
Dress for outdoors

Use the button above or call 802 434-2167 to sign up!

February Bird Monitoring Walk

Northern Cardinal female. ©2011 Laura Waterhouse

Join our monthly monitoring walk to record birds at the Museum’s trails, forest, and meadow. Learn something new, share what you know, or both!

All birders —current, experienced, newbie and would-be— welcome! Most fun for adults, older children.

Please bring your own binoculars and dress for the weather. We recommend bringing tick repellent and a water bottle. Face masks required inside the museum.

Max: 10 people
Free, suggested donation $5 – $15


If the walk fills, we’ll have a waitlist; when there’s enough interest, we often can schedule more walks. Please call or email us to make arrangements.

(Photo: Female Northern Cardinal. Used by permission of the photographer.)